Terrance Lee Baker MD, MS, PhD(H)

Terrance Baker

Title: Physician
Company: Sollay Medical Center
Location: Kingsville, Maryland, United States

Terrance Lee Baker, MD, MS, PhD(H), Physician at Sollay Medical Center, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctors for dedication, achievements, and leadership in family medicine.

With over three decades of experience, Dr. Baker has excelled as a physician, board-certified in family medicine, geriatrics, emergency medicine and forensic medicine. Dr. Baker is a Certified Medical Director as recognized by the American Medical Directors Association (AMDA). Dr. Baker has used his expertise to serve local, regional, national, and international patients and colleagues in many ways.

Dr. Baker is the CEO / President of Sollay Medical Center in Baltimore Maryland which provides compassionate care to practice patients including office visits; telemedicine examinations; house calls; “Grate rounds” (Homeless Baltimore street residents); Nursing Home; Assisted living; Adult Daycare; and locum tenens for Sars-Cov2 disabled physicians. Sollay Medical Center is a family medicine-based practice that integrates traditional western medicine with integrative medicine including Photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) with the use of medical therapeutic lasers; Ultrasound and radio frequency (RF) medical devices to provide individualized and comprehensive plans of care.

In 2006, Dr. Baker and Modesta Vesonder, CRNP formed the Sollay Kenyan Foundation a United States-based nonprofit charity that strives to provide medical care and assistance to children, families, and communities in the United States and throughout the 54 nations of Africa ensuring that all Africans have equal access to healthcare. In 2018 the Sollay Foundation working with local area community leaders founded Katani Hospital in Katani Kenya, a suburb of Nairobi. Katani hospital is a 144-bed full-service hospital including a 12-bed emergency department; a four-bed operating room; eight-bed labor and delivery; an ophthalmology suite; a dental suite; an endoscopy suite; a breast cancer center; with comprehensive general medical care.

Dr. Baker teamed up with Jack Greiner from Harvard School of Medicine to publish four guidelines articles in four qualified Pub Med recognized journals: 1. Guidelines for Frontline Healthcare Staff Safety for COVID-19.; 2. SARS CoV2 Safety Guidelines for Frontline Nurses.; 3. Guidelines for Reopening a Nation in a SARS CoV2 Pandemic: The Path Forward.; 4. Guidelines: Discharge Instructions for COVID-19 Patients.

In 2020 New African Broadcasting Network TV (NABN-TV) recruited Dr. Baker to serve as Executive Producer and Host of “Doctors in the House.” This award-winning program has educated millions of Africans around the world about common medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and SARS CoV2. Over 15 million viewers watch Dr. Baker’s program weekly. The educational value of this programming has been widely acknowledged resulting in Doctor Baker being awarded an honorary PhD and designated as “a friend of Africa.”

From 2016 to 2021, Dr. Baker served on the executive committee of the American Association of Physicians Specialists (AAPS), a board certifying organization based in Tampa FL. Dr. Baker served as president of the AAPS Board of Directors in (2019 – 2020). Dr. Baker has served for over 20 years as a written and oral board examiner in emergency medicine. Recently Dr. Baker was awarded the AAPS E.O. Martin award and Senior Lifetime Achievement Award for dedication and service to AAPS as an organization and to emergency medicine, family medicine and geriatrics as specialties.

Dr. Baker was inspired to train in medicine after becoming sick with chickenpox at age 4 and being visited by his family physician Dr. Joseph Hunt. Dr. Baker was supported by his parents Norman and Sara Lee Baker and his sister Melynda Tayson. Dr. Baker is incredibly grateful to all the mentors he has had over the years. In first grade at Delta-Peach Bottom Elementary School Dr. Baker shared his dream with Ms. Helen Smith who began him on a path of advanced reading, writing and arithmetic. Ms. Smith gave validity to the dream of his young mind.

In 4th grade, Ms. Ruth Myers embraced the vision and gave him the extra reading and writing materials necessary to read and write with advanced 10th-grade level comprehension.

In 6th grade, Ms. Mobley cemented the course of young Dr. Baker’s future by advancing his arithmetic skills.

Meanwhile, the Cub Scouts Pack 842 and Boy Scouts Troop 400 Delta Pennsylvania provided the backbone of discipline, honor, courage, and diversity leading to Eagle Scout.

The Towson, Maryland YMCA through the “Junior Leaders” program taught leadership skills required to assume his current role as President and CEO of multiple corporations.

At North Harford High School, Mr. William Pyle, principle, and Mr. Dave Starnes, athletic track coach provided guidance in assisting Dr. Baker to pursue an academic, sports-related, and activities-related curriculum that would teach the skills necessary for leadership. Dr. Baker played percussion in the North Harford Band under the direction of Mr. Michael Pastalak receiving Music Awards to participate in the All-County and All-State bands and orchestras. Dr. Baker also played soccer and ran track where he became captain of both teams; and served as President of the Varsity Club. Academically in high school, he was elected to the National Honor Society.

At all times he was supported by his sister Melynda Tayson and his grandparents Ethyl and Glen Tomlinson.

Following high school, Dr. Baker was accepted to Johns Hopkins University where he completed his premedical studies while often living in his car and working three jobs to make ends meet. Dr. Baker’s work included serving as a counselor with the United Cerebral Palsy of Baltimore in a project designed to move institutionalized men with Cerebral Palsy into the community to live independently. This award-winning program became a model for adults with Cerebral Palsy living in the community across the nation. He completed his studies at Johns Hopkins University, where he earned a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science in 1977 and 1979 respectively. Subsequently while completing his master’s degree in Education at Johns Hopkins University, he completed graduate studies at the John F. Kennedy Institute and Johns Hopkins Hospital from 1977 to 1980 under the direction of Michael Cataldo PhD and Dr. Michael Bender, and Mark Batshaw MD. This transitional period allowed Terry to begin organizing the finances necessary to attend medical school.

In 1980, he entered George Washington Medical School under the guidance of Robert Keimowitz MD. where he immediately fell in love with the school. George Washington Medical School offered exactly what the eager young medical student required: “endless opportunities to learn medicine” and the gift of a lifetime from Freshman Advisor Dr. William Cooper MD, to meet Ronald Reagan, president of the United States. During medical school, Dr. Baker joined the United States Public Health Service and remained on active duty until 1995.

In 1984, the new Dr. Baker was accepted to Medical College of Virginia (MCV) at Richmond and Riverside Hospital Newport News, VA, where he studied family medicine, women’s health, emergency medicine, urgent care medicine, nursing home medicine and forensic medicine.

In 1987, Dr. Baker began his first medical practice in Conway at Horry County Medical Center and Conway Hospital; Grand Strand Hospital; Marion Memorial Hospital; Mary Black Memorial Hospital and Orangeburg Regional Medical Center.

In 1997, Dr. Baker joined the medical staff of the Dorn Veterans administration hospital in Columbia SC. Together with hospital officials, Dr. Baker helped to open the Sumter Veterans Administration Outpatient Facility and the Orangeburg Veterans Administration Outpatient Primary Care Facility. These facilities remain open today serving thousands of veterans in the Sumter and Orangeburg community.

In 2002, Dr. Baker returned to Baltimore MD with his wife Deborah and his daughters Hilary Elizabeth and Chelsea Margaret. Dr. Baker practiced at Good Samaritan Hospital a Johns Hopkins and MedStar affiliate in Baltimore MD emergency medicine, urgent care, hospital care, transitional care and nursing center medicine until 2020.

During Dr. Baker’s practice at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital Dr. Baker served as Base Station Medical Director; Associate Medical Director; Credentials Committee Chairman; Representative to the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee; Emergency Medicine committee; and Medical Director at Transitional Care Unit (TCU) and Medical Director of Good Samaritan Nursing Center.

Currently, Dr. Baker practices as a John’s Hopkins Community Physician. Dr. Baker’s experience is used daily in the care and treatment of patients at Future Care Good Samaritan nursing center; Sollay Medical Center; Katani Hospital Katani Kenya. Additionally, his medical knowledge and expertise is used in continued education as the Host / Executive Producer of “Doctors in the House”; Associate faculty of the University of Maryland School of Nursing and Stony Brook School of Nursing at NYU. Dr. Baker continues to search daily for opportunities to “cancel patients appointments with death; restore life and heal patients.“

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Press Release

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